Zeke turns Two!

He’s my sweet blonde hair blue eyed boy. “Fun loving” never described anyone more perfectly. He’s all boy and not gentle or delicate about anything at all 🤣 but he’s so very sweet at the same time.
My favorite thing he says is, “HUG” while he runs at you with his arms wide open! I’ve never met a hugger like him. He will stop strangers while we are out and wrap his arms around their legs 🙈
He says “HI” to everyone he sees.
He loves people. He craves fun and excitement. He loves music and dancing. His favorite toys at the moment are cars, trains, and balls (anything that goes 🤣). My favorite characteristics he possesses are his JOY, STRENGTH, and PERSISTENCE! Ironically some of those are also the characteristics that are the most challenging at times 😜 cause wow! that persistence and strength seem UNMATCHED!
HAPPY SECOND BIRTHDAY to my Ezekiel James Melin!!! You brighten my days, make me smile so big, and laugh so hard!

His favorite toy? His hot wheels and trains.

His favorite fruit? Grapes

Favorite food: mozzarella sticks, French fries, and chicken of any kind

His favorite TV show/movie? Bubble guppies

Favorite animal?  Puppy

Favorite snack? Babybel cheese

Favorite song? The cleanup song

Favorite book? Any book with buttons to press that make noises.

Favorite thing to do outside? Slide on the slide

What does he take to bed at night? His two blankets, lamb lamb, fluffy, bunny, Pooh bear and Nemo ????

Thing he cannot go without: His lovey named Lamb Lamb.

His favorite thing to do with mom and dad? Give hugs or build blocks 

What excites him? People, dancing, going OUT anywhere, food, watching the train at the mall, and really a never ending list cause he’s always so happy and excited.

What makes him sad? Being confined in anyway.

What we love about Zeke: His joy, persistence, and strength.