Zeke Turns SIX!

What is your favorite color? “Those color gloves that you use to wash dishes” (purple)

What is your favorite fruit? Strawberries

What is your favorite food? Tortilla chips

What is your favorite TV show/movie? Creature cases/super mario bros

What is your favorite thing to wear? Mario clothes

What is your favorite game? Super Mario bros on the switch

What is your favorite animal? A cat

What is your favorite snack?
Fruit snacks

What is your favorite song? Pary gripp

What is your favorite book? Super Mario book

What is your favorite cereal? Lucky charms

What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play in the snow

What is your favorite drink?
Gaterade blue

What do you take to bed with you at night? My lamb lamb and Felton and duckens and horsey

What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
French toast sticks

What do you want to be when you grow up? A basketball player

What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Mod pizza

What is your favorite thing to do with daddy? Play car wash with him

What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy? Hug you

What do you pray about? I don’t know

What do you love about yourself? That it’s my birthday

What is your favorite thing about Judah? He’s nice to me.

What is your favorite thing about boone? He’s plays with me

What is your favorite thing about maila?
She’s nice to me.

What challenges you? Nothing

What excites you? Having a birthday and going to surge today and getting new Legos.

What is one thing you want to accomplish before you turn 7? Go outside and play in the snow!