Light in the Darkness.

A few nights ago as I finished up the evening checklist, the moon caught my attention through our downstairs window. It’s never done that before. But on this particular night it was full and seemed extra radiant. That big bright light illuminating the night. Making sure the world didn’t sit in total darkness while the sun waited behind the horizon.

It got me to thinking about how God never allows the darkness to completely rule. When he made nighttime he also made a light to govern the night—the moon.

Once sin entered the world in the garden of Eden, He didn’t let darkness (sin) completely win. Instead He sent Jesus to be the “light of the world” (John 8:12).To bring light and hope to a dark and desperate situation.

Once Jesus ascended into Heaven, He left behind His people and said “you are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). We were to be the light. To be His presence to those around us now that Jesus was no longer physically here.

And, y’all…this past year I’ve felt the darkness in my bones. I can’t quite explain it. But just all the things. From current events, to disunity, to politics. The darkness has felt more present than I’ve ever felt before in my years of being alive.

But just to have that reminder in my heart as I stared up at that big beautiful bright moon. That even though God allowed sin to effect things for a time. Even though darkness would not be immediately and completely extinguished…He always left the light. His plan never included leaving the world in total darkness. And one day it won’t have a place at all.

For now, he brings His light in the form of the moon. And his people. We do have that job in the darkness that surrounds us. To shine His light.

So, LET IT SHINE so bright through us, Jesus. Though we are very undeserving vessels. Use us to light up this darkness. To shine you. So the darkness cannot win on this Earth, until the day of your return. 🌙 ⭐️