Boone Turns 7!

To my fluffiest cheeked baby, with the darkest head full of hair. To the one who came into this world with a BANG but has been such a calm presence ever since.

You are along for the ride. You are go with the flow. You are chill and hold a lot inside. You mostly don’t complain and it’s hard to tell when something is bothering you cause you just don’t say it out loud. You possess so much quiet strength and hate to cause a fuss. It makes you happy when other people are happy and you smile the most when we are having “family time”.

You are gentle and kind and full of so much sweetness. You are a verbal encourager to your core.

You are a math whiz—really more like a human calculator—who can do math faster than I thought was possible at such a young age. You are always quietly calculating. Weighing risk. Figuring out numbers. Solving problems. You are my STEM kid who has an engineering mind.

You are creative and artistic. And have an appreciation for all things cute.

Your wishes and requests are simple because you are down to earth and not hard to please. You are genuinely happy with what you have and appreciative of what you get.

So thankful that you are YOU. And that I’ve been blessed to be your mom for SEVEN whole years. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, Boone! I love you!

What is your favorite color? Orange

What is your favorite fruit? Apple

What is your favorite food? Apple

What is your favorite TV show/movie? Bluey

What is your favorite thing to wear? Tshirt

What is your favorite game? Mario party

What is your favorite animal? Narwhal

What is your favorite snack? Fig bar

What is your favorite song? Christmas music

What is your favorite book? Investigators

What is your favorite cereal? Lucky Charms

What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play in the driveway

What is your favorite drink? Lemonade

What do you take to bed with you at night? My mango and brash stuffy and rainbow lobster stuffy

What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Waffles with syrup

What do you want to be when you grow up? Scientist/meteorologist

What do you want for dinner on your birthday? I-Hop

What is your favorite thing to do with daddy? Go places with him and play with him

What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy? Playing and doing math

What do you pray about? That I won’t worry about storms or dangerous things in my head.

What do you love about yourself? That I have a good life.

What is your favorite thing about Zeke? He’s silly

What is your favorite thing about Judah? His drawings

What is your favorite thing about maila? She’s kind. I love playing with her.

What challenges you? Battling with Pokémon cause it’s hard to know which one to choose.

What excites you? Surprises

What is one thing you want to accomplish before you turn 8? Go to lots of pools